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About us

About Our Church

Harvest Bible Church is a church ministering in  the Niles-Warren area. Beginning in 2007, it was established  as an independent, non-denominational church, which  means we are free from any denominational control. We at  Harvest Bible seek to  honor God  and to have a reverence  for Him and His Word. We believe that the  Bible is the  authority for our lives and it practically applies to each  area of our lives, even in the twenty-first century. We do not seek to entertain, but you will find at our services God-honoring music and the preaching and teaching of God’s precious Word in an understanding and applicable way. It is our desire that people in our community come to know the freedom and joy of having their sins forgiven and walking with their Savior. We desire as well for believers, whether children, singles, seniors, or families, to grow more like Christ, and less like the ungodly world. We would love to have you visit us. Looking for more information? Email us at

Our Pastor:
Pastor Rich Peffer & his wife Holly
Richard Peffer

“On April 10, 1984, I said a prayer as a six-year-old child asking Jesus to save me. I grew up in a Christian family and attended a Baptist church in my area. This church had a Christian school, which I attended from kindergarten through twelfth grade and graduated in 1996. I served in my church in many capacities while growing up like visiting people with my grandfather and running the sound system. I attended a Christian college for two years until I transferred to Youngstown State. For four years after graduating from high school, God convicted me of my self-centered, worldly lifestyle. I was living two lives, one that went to church every service and another life during the rest of the week. While at a camp serving as a counselor for my church’s youth group, I repented of my sin and turned to Christ as my personal Savior on July 10, 2000. I do not believe that I was saved before this and consider this as the day of my salvation. Soon after my conversion, I surrendered to do whatever the Lord would have me to do, and He directed me to start training for the ministry.”


Harvest Bible Church began as a Bible study in the summer of 2006, after Pastor Rich was burdened for his home area. After fifteen months of leading the Bible study, it began as Harvest Bible Church in September of 2007. The reason he is burdened to start another church in the area is the need is so great.  There is a need for more gospel preaching churches in the area who will be faithful and committed to explain and teach God’s Word.

Luke 10:2, “And He was saying to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (NASB)

Pastor Rich, besides having a heart for people and their relationship with the Lord, has received two Masters degrees: Master of Divinity concentrating in pastoral preaching and Masters of Arts in biblical studies. He is currently training as a Biblical Counselor through the Institute for Nouthetic Studies.

Pastor Rich and Holly have been married since June 2007. They have three children: Joshua, Alaina, and Bethany. Holly graduated with a degree in elementary education from Bob Jones University. She taught fourth grade for five years at a Christian school in northeast Ohio. Both pastor and Holly enjoy serving the Lord together. 



Meeting inside the chapel

at First Christian Church

140 E. Broadway Ave.

Girard, Ohio 44420

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